Friday, October 21, 2011

Setting the Scene for In Home Performance

The sound of an accordion playing a three beat waltz is just a glimpse into Pam Kuntz's rehearsal for Kuntz and Company’s upcoming In Home performance. It’s 7:30 p.m. on a Thursday night, just a few days before the event. The performers make friendly chitchat in-between dances.

Kuntz directs with ease, for the accordion player and dancer know what they are doing. When she does give input, she uses creative analogies, “Pretend you have a secret and every once in awhile, you remember that you got this secret,” she says to the dancer.

In Home will occur this Saturday the 22nd, with three different dance performances. One will take place in a living room, which portrays a couple having a serious conversation. This piece will feature Ben Estes and Vanessa Daines. Another appropriately occurs in a television room and includes a couple arguing over a television remote featuring, Ian Bivins and Angela Kiser. The final piece will be in a laundry room featuring Ella Mahler. Mahler will be performing her entire dance on a counter.

The dancers have been preparing for this event for less than a month but have been rehearsing consistently. Pam is hoping to gain more interest and support from the community she says. This includes getting more people to attend the shows, spreading the word about the company and hoping that community members will share ideas and gain more interest. Stay tuned for more future performance info.

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